Most of the credit for my interest in cooking comes from my dad, Carl (see below for our rad aprons). However, there are many others who have also contributed. My wife, mom, both of my grandmothers, my mom’s dad, my sister, my best friend and many others including co-workers, friends, my mother-in-law and even complete strangers.
Early on, my dad’s love of cooking was evident. I would tag along when he and other men from our church would arrive early to prepare pancakes for the annual pancake breakfast. I’m sure the food was good, but what i remember was the time with my dad and the others who had great conversations during the lulls of preparation. They drank instant coffee and solved the world’s problems while mixing batter and frying sausage. I was in heaven.
I remember neighbor fish frys, family reunions and charcoal fired campsites. Easter bunny cakes, parched peanuts and coke floats. My grandmother’s fried pies, fresh veggies and macaroni and cheese, each holding a special place in my culinary memory.
As I got older, I began to appreciate the social side of food. Do you remember when your parents said “We got company coming?” That meant a huge spread … but nothing from a restaurant (except for bucket of fried chicken on occasion).
I plan to visit my love of all things cooking and sprinkle in stories along the way. I’ll mostly include photos and recipes from what I’m currently doing. I’ll provide links to the sources when applicable. Sometimes I will follow the recipe exactly but most of the time I will not. I’ll let you know when (and why) I strayed but encourage you to take your own path. It’s one of the best things about cooking.
I look forward to getting my hands dirty and will offer encouragement along the way. Now, the oil is hot and it’s time to start adding the ingredients. See you in the produce aisle!
“Oh, I adore to cook. It makes me feel mindless in a worthwhile way” — Truman Capote